100 miles from anywhere
- The Windsor Castle came so close i couldn't fit it all in the photo

Me on half track with Bren
Jock Forrest,
Geof Turnham, Pat Bryamt, Vic Annison.
Carthy, Arnold Levene. Vic Gane, Stanley Beyer,
Alan Lovegrave,
Maurice Watson, Nick Crowe, Myself,
Davy Jones,
George Marshall & Bob Miller
Xmas 1948
- Davy Jones, Jock Forrest, Geof Turnham,
Vic Annison,
Pat Bryant, Anold Levene & Boy
on Parade - Xmas 1948 - Arnold Levene,
Jock Forrest,
Geof Turnham, Par Bryant, Nick Crowe,
Vic Annison
& Davy Jones
C 43 - Spring 1949
John Millard,
Me & David Watson
At the
NAAFI in Fayid Shopping Centre
with John Millard
At the
NAAFI in Fayid Shopping Centre - Oct 4th, 1948
with Peter Young

At the NAAFI in Fayid Shopping
Centre - Summer 1948
Myself with Davy Jones

Myself with Jock Forrest