As Remembered By Arthur Bramham
I started my national Service in March 1954. After initial training at Oswestry, I was posted to 23 Field Regt RA at Aliwal barracks, Tidworth. Here I was put on the TARA course and on completing it was put in the Cokhouse. I did not enjoy this at all. At the end of August the Regt went to Otterburn for training and I was left back at Camp. The duties now entailed going to the C.O.’s house and doing whatever work his wife wanted done. This was great – much better than the Cookhouse – she was a superb woman lashing up plenty of tea, food and other drinks. The Regt then came back and I went back to the Cookhouse.
The next day I was summoned to go and smarten up and appear before the C.O. Thoughts were “what the hell have I done wrong – has his missus reported me?” The RSM gave me a good inspection and marched me in. “What now? “ I thought. Col. Trevor told me to sit down and asked me whether I was liking life at Tidworth. So I told him what I thought of the Cookhouse duties – I must have been in there for about 15 minutes. The RSM then marched me out. The next day I was up in front of the Battery Commander, Major Arthur. Apparently the C.O. had told him that in civvie life I was a Bank Clerk and was not enjoying the Cookhouse. “Right” he said “Consider yourself now the Battery Pay Clerk”.
Pay Clerks 23 Fld Regt RA - 49,50, 60 & RHQ Troops - Sept 1954
That was it, I had to read up on the Pay Regulation Handbook and sort out the various forms. I had my own little office and was left to my own devices. I found out that one, and the main advantage, was that I had no guard duties.
December saw my first stripe so a bit more lolly. Sgt Weaver, the RAPC Sergeant decided that he wanted to have all the pay clerks under one roof so we moved to an office near to the Guardroom.
In June the Regiment went to El Ballah in the Canal Zone. On board ship, the Empire Ken, I got my second stripe – things were getting better still – more lolly so I could afford to send some home.
In November it was the 100th Anniverary of Battery Sgt Henry getting the VC at the Battle of Inkerman. The whole Battery went down to Moascar where we had entertainment and a meal at the NAAFI Club. Stella WAS on the menu. (Unfortunately due to ill health, I missed the 150th Anniverary celebrations that the Battery had in 2004).
Me, Arthur Bramham, Pay Bombardier
Jack Crawford, Battery ClerkVern Phillips & EricBrumskill, Q StoresArthur Bramham Pay Bombardier
49th Field Battery RA Sign BoardCrawford & Bainbridge
Eric Brunskil, WOII Gibbons& George Bainbridge
Jock Crawford, McLennan & Bdr Bainbridge Bdr Bramham & Vern Phillips
MT Bdr "Pop" SuggateBattery Commander Major AC Fryer& BSM WilliamsIn March I flew from Fayid to Stanstead and then to Woolwich. Time over.
At the time we were doing our National Service we could not wait to get it over and done with but as time passes you realise that it was not all bad. I consider that my time was a fortunate experience which did me no harm.
I still have contact with some of the lads from 49. I do hope that I hear from some of the others I served with. It would be really nice to hear from any of the Regimental Pay Office lads.
We are coming up to the 60th Anniversary of the Coronation. It was a composite troop from 49 Battery that fired the salute in Hyde Park.