Sent In By Brian Johnson - RAOC 10 BOD Geneifa


AND it came to pass that a dweller in the Street of Civvy received certain papers, which was the cause of much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. For these papers did cause him to leave the Street of Civvy. And LO! He did come to a place which is called Blackdown, of the Basic training Cult, where men do many strange things which are known as bashing the square.

And he did become one of these men and was dressed in a cloth of khaki, which is brown and exceedingly itchy, like a carpet underfelt.

And he did learn to blast all sergeants, who are men who worship a heathen god named LEFRI. And say lefri, lefi, lefri constantly in His honour, which magic words do cause the common man to run around the sacred square at high speed, causing them to sweat exceedingly and mutter prayers and also perform magic rites with that which is called RIFLE which is their best friend and which they must never drop, for if they did sergeant would say “pick that ******* rifle up!”

Every morning they did perform sacred rites to greet the sun, which was called Muster Parade. Wherein all men of camp stood in long lines and did ceremonial dances called OPENORDER-MARCH and RIGHTDRESS. Then did one come who is called O/C which is very powerful and carries upon his shoulder magic pips, but not pips of an orange. Then the O/C did walk between the lines of men and gaze upon them in wonder, saying “never before have I seen such a shower”, which was not a compliment and was the cause of much quaking at the knees among the men. For it meant the appearance of more lesser priests known as R.P.s who were of obscure parentage.

Sometimes the common man would get a magic slip of paper called pass or 36 which did cause him to sprint at high speed to railway station. Which did cause sergeant and corporal great sorrow and they would say “we will give them what for when they do return”. But ungrateful soldiers did not appreciate "what for" because it did cause them to utter rude and uncouth words. Which grieved sergeant exceedingly and also caused more "what for".

Six week thus did many mother’s sons perform their rites until finally they did pass out, which is not death but a final parade in the Temple of Blackdown, whereon all heads do turn one way while marching and the great white chief of many pips salutes and says “you are all good boys and may God bless”.

Thus did the soldiers leave Blackdown which did cause them grief and woe, for it had become like home to them. For the Chosen Ones, who had pleased the Gods, they were transported to the Mystical East, a land called Egypt where sunshine, dusky maidens and adventure were in abundance. They were blessed with the gift of foreign tongues and in no time at all were conversing with the natives; Ashenay, Mahleesh, Bahdin and would sing in joyful chorus SAIDA to the Goddess BINT.

After many moons and back in the Street of Civvy, they would meet up again and remember what it had been like to be a Chosen One.


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