As Remembered By David F.P. Turner


El Firdan Bridge

The Regiment that relieved the Beds & Herts was the Royal Berkshire Regt. 'D' Company of the Royal Berkshire Regt held (if that is the right word) the bridge for one month and were billeted on the Sinai side of the Canal. Patrols were changed twice per day when the bridge was open.

I remember a platoon commander (who shall remain nameless) who decided to observe the comings and goings of the 'opposing Army' on the other side and climbed the bridge in (and wait for it) STUDDED boots. Unfortunately he tried to walk along the top girder and 'slipped' on one of the huge rivets which held the bridge together - with the inevitable result. What a splash he made and we got him out just in time.

Whilst based in the Canal Zone, the Royal Berks did stints at Port Said docks, Moascar and finally moved to Suez with the Cheshires and Oxs & Bucks L.I.


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