As Remembered By Jack Buckland


Bob Marriott described the El Kirsh Garrison very well in the Zoners May Issue. The hangers as he described them were part of 33 Coy SRD (Supply Reserve Depot) which I got to know very well. 38 Coy Main Offices was opposite their Main Gate and as I was Sgt Majors clerk and general dogs body, our CO used to send me overthere with various letters which I presume was to do with the transport arrangements. Like Bob said, it was a massive set up and supplied goods all over the MELF. It was here that I lost my stripe; I was Guard Commander for this post when the Duty Orderly Officer paid a visit at around 2 am and caught me napping. The Duty Guard nipped off for a fag and left me and three other guards in the tent. When the Orderly Officer (2 Lt Leeke) entered the tent he said I should be alert and make sure that the sentry was on duty at all times. He sent for a replacement Guard Commander from the Main Guard Room, and arrested myself and the offending sentry. We spent the rest of the night in the warm Main guard Room. The result was I was demoted to Private but after 21 days our Commanding Officer called me into his office and said don’t get caught again and I would be promoted to L/Cpl from that day. I think the sentry was charged and ordered to forfeit one day’s pay. It was another 3 months before I got the second stripe.

Also at that time 38 Coy supplied Ambulances to many units across the Zone, the drivers were attached to the units but remained as our 38 Coy Drivers. Every Thursday the Duty Officer and myself (another of those temporary jobs that was only until they got a replacement) were driven to various camps to pay the Drivers. You all know the system, the pay clerk would read out the amount, the Driver would salute the Officer, the Officer would give him his 18 shillings, the Driver would salute the Officer again, and then disappear into the NAAFI where he usually spent it on Stella or lost it playing cards.

I read on the Zoners web site in the ‘Gallery of Honours’ that 4 RASC Personnel died on 02-05-1951 and are buried at Fayid cemetery. Can anyone tell me the cause of their deaths? I vaguely remember a fatal accident between two service vehicles on the Canal Road about that time, but I am unsure of the outcome and thought it may be the same unfortunate accident.



We had patrols in 1951 which were called cable guards. One particular night I was Guard Commander with 3 squaddies on patrol. We were allowed to sleep but if the phone rang we would leap into a 15cwt truck and make our way to the said part of the Canal Road.

On this particular night we were called out and found an Egyptian with the cable in his hand. The lads leapt out of the truck, rifles at the ready and surrounded him. At this point I was unsure what we had to do with him, as far as I knew they had never caught anyone before!! With the lads guarding him I called the Duty Officer, I believe it was on a field telephone. He arrived in a jeep with 3 MP’s. They bundled him in the back of the Jeep and drove off leaving us to deal with the problem. However, soon afterwards the RE turned up to repair the line. Not before getting our lads to do the digging in the sand. I never found out what became of the Egyptian.


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