RASC - 30 COY 1952-53

As Remembered By Derek Chadfield


I was posted to Suez in January 1952 as part of 30 Coy but after a month was sent on detachment to the RAMC Distribution Point at Attica to drive tankers between the water pumping station and the camp as the water supply there was erratic and could not be relied upon.

After about three months I was relieved and returned to 30 Coy at Suez to drive fuel tankers back and forth to the electric generating stations and cook houses.

Very soon I was once again sent on detachment to Attica, with an ambulance to be based at the Water Pumping Station Ambulance Room as their relief driver for some months.

Again being recalled to 30 Coy Suez I was employed on fuel deliveries before being detached to BMH Fayid on ambulance duty between them and the outlying camps as needed.

During this time the duties of 30 Coy were split between military and civilian drivers. Civilians mainly delivered food supplies driving 5 ton Bedfords whilst the military personnel drove fuel tankers, ambulances and staff cars, and the families of serving men as needed. At the beginning of August 1953 when things became politically volatile, all the civilian drivers were dismissed and the military took over their duties and all drivers on detachment were recalled to Suez. This was the position when I returned to England at the end of September 1953



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